Rooty Hill High School


Telephone02 9625 8104

Lesson times

There is no 'roll call' period at RHHS. Rolls are marked electronically at the beginning of every lesson.

A whole school assembly is held every Tuesday at Recess 1 in summer and Recess 2 in winter.

Years 7-10

School starts at 8:40am and finishes at 2:55pm for students in Years 7-10.

Rooty Hill High School operates on a 2 week timetable - Week A and Week B.

Students finish school at 1:00pm every Monday B (supervision can be provided for students who cannot go home).

Years 11-12

Years 11 and 12 students will have Period 0 classes allocated (starting at 7:30am on their timetable).

Due to the nature of senior schooling, students in Year 11 and 12 may not have a scheduled class during every period of the school day. This does not mean that they have a 'free period'. This is known as a study period for students. Alternatively, students can sign out and leave the school if they do not have a class scheduled.

Further, the school gates are locked between 9:00am and 2:30pm, execpt on Monday B, where lessons finish at 1:00pm. 

Senior Students are also expected to remain on school grounds during thier study periods.